Waterproofing and chemical protection of segmental
concrete tunnel liner Erin Mills, Ontario, Canada

Project: Region of Peel, Ontario & Technicore, Inc.
Consultant: WSP
Designer: Region of Peel, Ontario & Technicore, Inc.
Contractor: Technicore, Inc.
Subcontractor: Tarpon Contracting & Restoration .
Products: Cem-Kote Barrier Cote 100 & Cem-Kote Flex CR
Objective: Waterproofing and H2S protection of segmental concrete liner. The internal diameter of the liner is 2.4 m and total length is over 900 meters. After stopping active water leaks, the surface of the liner was pressure washed, and 1 mm thick coating of Cem-Kote Barrier Cote 100 spray applied and brushed. The coating was let to air cure, before cleaning the surface using pressure water, and one coat of Cem-Kote Flex CR 1 mm thick, was spray applied and brushed to eliminate possible pinholes. Please ask for excellent bond test data.

Segmental tunnel liner

Spraying Cem-Kote Barrier Cote 100

Brushing Cem-Kote Barrier Cote 100 to eliminate pinholes